“REALTOR®” and “real estate agent” are often used interchangeably especially in a residential transaction. But there is a difference, a difference that can be felt during every possible action, research opportunity, procedures, processes, and reviews during a property transaction. REALTOR® is a member of the National Association of REALTORS®, bound by professional standards of a 100-year-old REALTOR® Code of Ethics.
A REALTOR® must be an honest representative, has skills of clear communication and required to cooperate with other REALTORS®. Also maintain a high-level of education ensured by the REALTOR® Code of Ethics.
REALTORS® are here for you and ready to serve you. Whenever you're looking to buy or sell property, look for a REALTOR® because they are trustworthy, knowledgeable, and professional. No one else can offer the service of a REALTOR®.