August 23, 2023
2023-2024 Association BOD Final Election Slate
REALTORS® will receive a ballot in your email that will be sent out on August 30th. Voting will be open from August 30th-14th, 2023 (closing at 8:00am, Sept 14th)
Winners will be announced live (Facebook and in Office) on September 14th at 12:00 pm

Jesse Plevel
2024 President-Elect
8.5 years, joined 7/20/2015
I have sat as chair for the PR Committee at NMAR twice and am a current committee member. I am currently First Vice President of the NMAR Board of Directors. President of the Board of Trustees for NMAR Charitable Foundation. I am a member of the MAR Board of Directors, MAR Communications Committee and currently enrolled in the 2023 MAR Leadership Academy. I have participated in two strategic planning sessions for NMAR and have been assigned to various PAGs.
Until the last few years I have focused on raising my young children and building my career in order to not spread myself too thin. I am more capable of diverting time and energy into the community and have recently joined the board of the Boys and Girls Club of Glacier Country.
I hold a bachelor's degree in Spanish with a minor in English from Gonzaga University (2008), C2EX

Kathleen Dodd
2024 First Vice President
8 years, joined 1/6/2015
Executive and Local Board member, State Direction, Regional Ambassador. Public Relations and Government Affairs committees with NMAR. Professional Development Committee. Communications Chair (MAR), IMF vice Chair (MAR), Board and Executive Board (MAR), RPAC & IMF Committee
Habitat for Humanity, Glacier Aero, Family Selection Committee (Habitat), Tobacco Valley Animal Shelter supporter, Coats for Kids Advisor
Associate of Business management, C2EX, SRES, GRI, CRS, RSPS, BA, CLHMS

Jennifer Hargett
2024-2025 Secretary
6 years, joined 4/27/2017
It has been my pleasure to serve as a member of the NMAR Government Affairs Committee for 5 years, including service as Vice Chair and Chairman of the committee. I served as a member of the NMAR Professional Development Committee for three years. I have served as a State Director representing NMAR at the state level for two years. I am currently serving terms on the MAR Government Affairs Committee and the MAR Issues Mobilization Fund Committee. I am an active RPAC contributor. I am an active Member of the National Association of REALTORS.
I have served as Chairman of the Riverbend Concert Series in Bigfork for the past six years, leading a fantastic group of volunteers in bringing wonderful local music to residents and visitors of Bigfork every Sunday night throughout the summer. The series presents 10+ open air concerts each season. My husband and I have been active members of Faith Covenant Presbyterian Church in Kalispell for the last six years. I have served on the Fellowship Committee and actively serve on the Building Committee. I am an active participant in the Women's Ministry.
I received my BBA degree in Accounting and Finance from the University of West Georgia. I received a Master of Taxation Degree with a concentration in International Business from Georgia State University. Since becoming a REALTOR I have earned my GRI designation. I have met all Broker qualifications and am in the process of obtaining my Brokers License. I am currently working on my CRS designation.

R Alan Habel
2024-2026 Local/State Director
16 Years, joined 6/9/2005
Serving on MAR Board of Directors 2023, Serving as MAR Professional Development Committee Member 2022-2023
Member of Northwest Montana Back Country Horsemen Serving Public Lands Needs, MOA Member 2012-2021 Forest Service Certified Sawyer Instructor Serving all Public & Private Trail Users/Groups
Associate of Science ~ 2012 ~ BYUI, Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration ~ 2015 ~ BYUI, Supervising Broker Endorsement ~ 2016-2023

Cindy Lanier
2024-2026 Local/State Director
47 years, joined 5/26/1976
Past board President twice, Board of Directors, Professional Development Committee, Professional Standards Committee, Mediator
School board trustee, Habitat for Humanities Build, Chamber member
Graduate U of M, CRS, GRI, ABR, EPRO, C2EX, Fair Haven, Have met the Presiden Fair Housing Challenge

Ryan Ross
2024-2026 Local/State Director
5 years, joined 2/2/2018
Vice Chair of the Government Affairs Committee
Member of the Swan/Mission Search and Rescue. Volunteer at Adaptive Sports. KW Read Day Participant.

Tim Peacher
2024-2026 Local/State Director
4 years, joined 3/22/2019
I have been involved with the Public Relations Committee for all four years that I have been a REALTOR. I have volunteered for Habitat Build days every year. I also serve on the Charitable Foundation.
I am an active member of the Flathead County Sheriffs Posse and have been with them for 4 years. I also coached youth tackle football for 5th-6th graders.
I have my C2EX endorsement along with the At Home with Diversity designation.

Laurel Wilson
2024-2026 Local Only Director
6 years, joined 8/18/2017
Currently serving on Grievance Committee
Involved with CASA since 2008 and currently serve as secretary of that board.
BA from University of Montana in 1993

Tricia Brisendine
2024-2026 Local Only Director
20 years, joined 7/16/2003
Participate on the Professional Standards and Grievance committee. Member of Government Affairs.
Vice President of Flathead Valley United Soccer Club (Formerly Flathead Soccer Club), Volunteer at local community events and also my kids school events.
BS in Business Administration-Marketing from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. GRI, ABR, C2EX